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We’re bringing our high-energy, top-tier competitive cheerleading program to a brand-new location for the 2025-2026 season, and we couldn’t be more excited!
This is your chance to be part of something fresh, dynamic, and ELITE!
Full year competitive tryouts will be held Sunday June 1st.
Tryouts will be held in two different sessions. Register below!

Session #1

Birth Year: 2018-2020


Session #2

Birth Year: 2008-2017


If you cannot make the tryout, please email for a secondary placement option. Please read through our allstar pricing below for more information. 

2025-2026 Tryout Registration

Multi-line address
1. Athlete's Birthday
1. Athlete's Shirt Size
2. Athlete's Shirt Size
3. Athlete's Shirt Size
Select Pricing Plan

Emergency Contact Information


How did you hear about Cheer Elite Allstars?

Multi choice

Cheer Elite Allstars Waiver & Release of Liability

  • I hereby authorize the staff at Cheer Elite Allstars to act for me/my child according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention, and hereby waive any and all claims for personal injury, illness, and/or property damage against Cheer Elite Allstars and its directors, officers, agents, employees, contractors, representatives and any volunteers in any way associated with Cheer Elite Allstars. I agree and understand that participation in cheerleading, tumbling, or any other activity that involves motion, rotation, and/or height, carries with it the risk of injury. I agree and understand that all medical expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. In lieu of a medical certification signed by a medical doctor, I state that I have no knowledge of any physical injuries or impairment that would be affected by the named child’s/children’s participation in any program at Cheer Elite Allstars.

  • Cheer Elite Allstars cannot assume responsibility for children left unattended in the facility operated by Daliana Dance or Cheer Elite Allstars. All children, attended or unattended, are expected to respect cheer/tumble gym property and other cheer/tumble gym patrons. Under no circumstances does Cheer Elite Allstars assume any liability for injuries, accidents or any mishaps, whatsoever, which may occur when a child is left unattended, including, but not limited to intentional torts committed by or against the child. In the event that any liability results out of intentional torts committed by an unattended child, liability shall be borne by the parent/guardian(s) of such child.

  • I recognize that potentially serious injuries, including paralysis or death, can occur in any Cheer Elite Allstars activity, inside or outside of the gym. This includes camps, competitions, exhibitions, performances, travel, and/or any activity involving height, motion, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading and all other Cheer Elite Allstars classes. I understand and accept this risk and any medical expenses shall be my responsibility. I hereby release Cheer Elite Allstars and its owners and employees from all liability for any injury.

  • I also expressly grant Cheer Elite Allstars or any approved third party of Cheer Elite Allstars the right to film, videotape, photograph, or record my child/children. I give Cheer Elite Allstars the irrevocable right to use, display, digitally enhance and/or alter in any manor the film, videotape, photograph or record of my child/children and use in any promotional activities to include, but not limited to, broadcast, television, cable, motion picture, videotape, DVD, CD, or any published articles.

  • I agree and understand that jewelry is not to be worn during any class or practice while at Cheer Elite Allstars. I also understand and agree that if asked to remove jewelry, I or the said athlete(s) will be responsible for the security of that/those items. Cheer Elite Allstars is not responsible for items that are lost, stolen or damaged.

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